About Our Nonprofit - A Hawaiian Homestead Association

The Kumu Camp is a social enterprise of the Anahola Hawaiian Homestead Association (AHHA) and its tax exempt nonprofit arm, the Homestead Community Development Corporation (HCDC). AHHA was founded in 1982, and is one of more than 30 homestead associations controlled by native Hawaiians eligible for lands set aside by the U.S. Congress in 1920 to be held in trust, similar to Indian reservations, for native Hawaiian homesteading (residential, farming or ranching), mercantile and commerce, and public purpose uses.
More than 400 native Hawaiian households are located on our trust lands in Anahola. Our nonprofit and all of our community members are dedicated to the well being of the Hawaiian Home Land Trust and the Anahola region of Kauai. AHHA is about home, family and future!
The following AHHA Board of Directors are elected by voting resident members of AHHA.
Kipukai Kuali’i President
P.O. Box 662061
Lihue, Hawaii 96766
Expires: 2017
Robin Danner Vice Pres-Treas
PO Box 315
Anahola, Hawaii 96703
Expires: 2015
Sherri Cummings Vice Pres-Sec
P.O. Box 441
Hanalei, Hawaii 96714
Expires: 2016
Frank Cummings
P.O. Box 31
Kapaa, HI 96746
Expires: 2016
Kawika Cutcher
P.O. Box 674
Anahola, Hawaii 96703
Expires: 2017
Lorraine Rapozo Member
P.O. Box 180
Anahola, Hawaii 96703
Expires: 2015
Debra Kualii
PO Box 30939
Anahola, Hawaii 96703
Expires: 2017
Kamahalo Kauhane
P.O. Box 250
Anahola, Hawaii 96703
Expires: 2015
*Pastor Alex Young
PO Box 1752
Kapaa, HI 96746
Expires: 2016
Nathan Kupihea
Solar Committee
Frank Cummings
Jordyn Danner
Hiki No Sports Club
Tiphany Bousierre
Robin Danner, AHHA board member, administers the day-to-day functions of HCDC. To contact the AHHA or HCDC offices, or to become a member of AHHA, call 808.855.2108 or email info@ahha96703.org or by mail at PO Box 646 Anahola, Hawaii 96703.